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Finding maximums part 3: How a repeating sea surface hides extreme mooring loads

This is part 3 of an article series on maximum dynamic loads in moorings. If you haven’t seen it yet, start from part 1 here first. Mooring design is often […]

Finding maximums part 2: Why using multiple sea state realizations quickly reveals extreme mooring loads

This is part 2 of an article series on maximum dynamic loads in moorings. Start from part 1 here first. The maximum load in a severe sea state usually drives […]

Finding maximums part 1: How process reveals maximum loads in mooring design

In 1995, astronomers wanted to point the multi-billion dollar Hubble Space Telescope at a small portion of a completely empty sky. It was risky because they couldn’t tell in advance […]

When to reduce mooring recovery risk with a backup acoustic release

Losing an eye might seem like a critical point of failure, but not for a starfish. This is because starfish have multiple eyes on the tip of each arm. While […]

Why spar floaters are so insensitive to harsh conditions

Bumblebees have large bodies and tiny wings but are much better at flying than you might think. They’re found thriving on mountain ranges far beyond sea level. The challenge with […]

Why you need breathing space between glass floats on oceanographic moorings

When you’re in a rush, finding a place to park your car can be a relief. But relief can turn to dread when you eyeball the spot and start to […]

CFD for marine industries

DSA Ocean has extensive experience in conducting hydrodynamic analysis studies for marine industry applications using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). To keep our partners informed of our expanding capabilities, we’ve put […]

Why tiny active stabilizers have a large effect on ship roll motions

What do an elephant and a manatee have in common? It might sound like the start of a good joke, but it is pure biology. The answer is they have […]

How antiroll tanks work to passively reduce ship roll

The Hippopotamus has four legs for walking on land, yet it is closely related to whales and dolphins. This shows particularly when it comes to sleep: Hippos can do so […]

ShipMo3D Update

After extensive beta testing in partnership with Defense Research and Development Canada, ShipMo3D version 4 is now available. So what are some of the new capabilities in version 4? Reduce […]

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